Introducing inFORM

With the first few months of 2016 under our belt and spring in the air, we have decided to breathe some new life into our firm with the introduction of our very own blog, inFORM. We have assembled a great, internal team of bloggers that represent every facet of our brand. Each contributor delivers a unique perspective and voice that will dial in and provide interesting insight into, who FORM is.

We’ve given free rein to our blog team to share their expertise and discuss any topics that they consider to be interesting or inspiring. We’re passionate about design but are collectively so much more than that and hope to convey this through inFORM.

Blog Team PicIn addition to design and architecture related content, you’ll also get a behind the scenes look into our office culture [something we’re very proud of]. As any architect/designer knows, hours can be long and sleep can be scarce but after we work hard, we play hard.

We’re so excited to share this new part of FORM and provide a unique platform for our team to share what they’re most passionate about.

Don’t be a stranger!

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