Stand Up for a Healthy Office

By: Jessie Swain, Associate

No one wants to sit at a desk all day. This is no surprise, but did you know “sitting is the new smoking”? You may have heard this catchphrase on the 24 hour news-cycle or at the latest furniture tradeshow. A tad over-dramatic, but things have to be to catch our attention nowadays. The research is piling up to show us all of the ways it negatively impacts our bodies (just Google it!). As office workers look for new ways to expand their minds and not their backsides, it is the job of good work place design to give them multiple options of how they can work.

A recent client of FORM wanted to address this head on in their open work environment. The design embraced the sit to stand concept with adjustable height work surfaces and even went so far as to provide a balance ball as a more “active” way to sit during a break from standing (pictured below).#1

That said, not every budget can allow for height adjustable desks. Another simple and affordable solution is to provide a standing height table or millwork island to allow employees to move away from their desk and work standing at their laptop. This also provides coworkers with an easy gathering spot to discuss a project without having to reserve a seated conference room. In another FORM project, this was achieved through furniture in the design of the work stations (see below).#2

To fully embrace the concept of being active during the day, without sacrificing productivity, Steelcase pioneered the idea of integrating movement into our technology use (see Steelcase photo below). Simply put, the Walkstation is a slow speed treadmill with integrated desk. To back up the benefits with research they have written Whitepapers on the subject, which can be found here:[doctype]=whitepaper

Others have begun to provide their own versions of Steelcase’s proprietary Walkstation at varying price points with various accessories. We recently provided one for a client willing to invest in employee health. Besides a staff only fitness center they provided a walking station in one of their phone rooms to allow people to have conference calls or heads down work while working towards their fitness goals.


There are many ways to easily integrate the idea of empowering employees to stand up for their health. It simply takes buy-in by the decision makers, planning by the design team and the support of office culture to make use of the tools provided. Happy standing!

20 Questions with Kara Dirling

Recently, FORM had the pleasure of welcoming Project Designer, Kara Dirling to our team! We’re thrilled to have her join us and knew she was the perfect person to feature in the first installment of our new recurring post, 20 Questions, meant to reveal a different side to our team members.


  1. Title – Project Designer
  2. Years in the industry – 4 years
  3. Been loving life at FORM since – I joined FORM this Spring, but it was love at first sight.
  4. Favorite destination – Italy
  5. Hometown – Pittsburgh, PA aka Steeler Nation
  6. Currently living in – Arlington, VA
  7. Alma mater – University of Memphis Grad, Go Tigers Go!
  8. Couldn’t live without: My iPhone. I am long distance from my family so it allows me to communicate with them daily. I also use it for literally everything.
  9. If you were a drink, you’d be – A Tequila Sunrise. Vibrant, sweet and strong!
  10. Hidden talent – I’m an artist/painter
  11. If you were a song, you’d be – Pharrell Williams “Happy”. I’m optimistic and don’t sweat the small stuff.
  12. Last meal: Thanksgiving Dinner
  13. If you weren’t a designer, you’d be – A life coach. I’m constantly encouraging others around me to go for the things in life that they’re passionate about and to see their own strengths.
  14. Favorite aspect of design – Interacting with people and being able to use my creativity to make a positive impact on someone’s day-to-day life through design.
  15. First thing you’d buy after winning the lottery – A plane ticket to travel around the world.
  16. Best spot in DC/VA that only the locals know – New to the area and am still figuring this one out. On the weekends you can find me checking out a new restaurant. Bob & Edith’s Diner is one of my favorites for breakfast.
  17. Salty or sweet – Chocoholic
  18. Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter – Summer…bring on the warm weather, suntan lotion and cold drinks!
  19. The one piece of advice you’d share with someone getting into the industry – Hard work and a positive attitude can take you places you never imagined.
  20. The first thing you do when you get to work – Check my e-mail with a mug of Chai tea and make a to-do list for the day.