What’s In Their Bag?

As an architect or designer, you’re constantly running; from meeting to meeting, back to the office and then to more meetings. Your bag becomes an essential vehicle for all the necessities of potentially having to rely on its contents to get through the day. Realizing this, we’ve decided to introduce a reoccurring post that will reveal what our designer’s keep in their bags on a daily basis.


Name: Ronza Youssef
Position: Project Designer

As a Project Designer, Ronza spends about as much time on the go as she does in the office. Whether she is surveying the space of a new project, attending CA meetings, or heading to a happy hour, the contents of her bag always ensure that she’s prepared.


  • “I always carry hand sanitizer. Especially for those moments when I have to eat on the go or right before a meeting”
  • “I never leave home without my cell phone and charger; that way I am constantly accessible, I can check emails and I can schedule meetings”
  • Mini Nutella, the perfect pick-me-up and my favorite flavor!”
  • “I have a mini tape measure on my keychain. You never know when you’ll need to take a quick dimension!”
  • “You [or one of your friends] can always use a spare hair tie. Especially for a long [or dusty] field survey.
  • Makeup + perfume. To freshen up after a rough day”

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