Honest Materiality

Featuring: Brian Haave

If anyone can speak to the significance of materiality and finishes within design it’s our Materials Librarian, Brian Haave, who is also the designer and creator of his own collection of lighting and furniture. Brian utilizes what he refers to as “honest materiality” in his approach to reinvent ordinary materials into modern art.

He has developed a variety of inventive techniques used to highlight the integrity of everyday materials. Instead of paint, Brian uses an acid washing chemical process that he created to naturally blacken metal materials. He also experiments with copper and gold leaf finishes to contrast the natural sheen of materials like copper and steel. To him, the most successful processes achieve a balance of straightforward and innovative design.

The process of selecting, re-defining and/or implementing finishes in art requires similar tact and thoughtfulness as an architect or designer must use when approaching interiors projects. The goal is to select finishes that are a visual representation of a brand and their culture. These finishes compliment and support architectural intent and are integral in telling the design story.

Brian’s most recent work is on display at a temporary exhibit in DC through the end of the year. For more information, please leave a comment!

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