Award-Winning Photography

By: Koren Stauffer, Associate Director of Marketing

Nothing tells FORM’s story like great photographs. They capture innovative concepts, and showcase our forward-thinking design approach to corporate interiors. They speak across all industries and cultures and we use them often as references throughout each client’s design journey.

Good photography depends on the selected photographer, equipment, site constraints, weather, and a lot of communication. Planning ahead makes the most of each of these components to capture our best images.

Whether you are an A/E/C professional considering your first shoot or a client that is interested in learning more about the process, we have outlined our steps to achieving award-winning shots below:

FORM accompanies a professional photographer to the space for an informal 20-30 minute walk-through This process has minimal disruptions (no cleaning, moving, or equipment required) and is typically done during standard business hours. An escort is not required but is more than welcome to join if needed for security purposes.

FORM reviews the images taken during the walk-through and narrows down the shot selection to four to eight images that best represent the space and design concept. We then share our selection with the client and photographer so everyone can best prepare for the shoot.


We work with the client and photographer on determining the best date(s) and time frame(s) for the final shoot. Some clients prefer weekend shoots to prevent disruptions to the office; others prefer shoots during the work day to best capture the culture of the space.

Information that is typically requested of the client:

  • Best way to bring photography equipment into the space (e.g., loading dock, freight elevator)
  • Recommended parking options
  • Security desk or badges requirements
  • Full access to the windows and lights in the selected images (e.g., access to locked offices in the shot)
  • Photo release form signature (this form explains how FORM plans to use the photos for our marketing purposes)
  • Room reservations (if needed)


FORM accompanies the photographer and photographer’s assistant on the final shoot. We’re there to troubleshoot any unexpected issues and provide input as needed. We also help expedite the process by assisting in the cleaning and staging.

The photographer typically brings two (2) carts of equipment which includes everything from lighting equipment to cleaning supplies. We typically store and stage this equipment in one central location that is out of the way (e.g., an unused conference room that is not in any of the shots) throughout the shoot.

Each shot takes about 1.5 hours to shoot. Most of this time goes into the cleaning and set-up. It is not uncommon that we will move or adjust objects that are in the way (e.g., plants, chairs, desk accessories) however we always do our best to return everything to its original position.

If employees are used in any of the images, we request they sign a photo authorization form.

FORM will share the final shots with the client to validate that no confidential information is shown in any of the images. Once approved, the images are finalized and used for various marketing purposes including award submissions, website portfolio, and presentations.

It is not uncommon that partners and consultants who were part of the project show interest in purchasing rights to the images as well. If this is the case, FORM or the photographer will notify the client of the interested parties.


In summary, thoughtful planning and communication are critical to an effective photography program and award winning shots. At FORM we approach each shoot the same, letting the photography speak for our firm and using our photography resources wisely to show our firm’s capabilities and tell our story.

To view a selection of FORM’s recent project photos, please visit our online portfolio: